Rightwing Christian radio host: ‘Jesus would have let that house burn’
04:43 pm

Rightwing radio dolt, Bryan Fischer, the same idiotic asshat who said last month that the US should handle Muslims the way Germany handles neo-Nazis and who compares gay sex to terrorism, opened his big, dumb mouth again yesterday. Fischer declared on the American Family Association’s blog, after posiing the “What would Jesus Do?” question regarding the firefighters in Obion County, TN who let a family’s house burn to the ground, that JESUS WOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME THING!

Is Fischer saying that the central figure of Christianity is a cold-hearted sociopath like he is… or what??? I do not recall anything in the Gospels about Jesus liking privatization or being a Rush Limabugh-listening “dittohead,” but maybe I fell asleep that week in Sunday school…

I’m not even going to put a link to his blog because I don’t want to send a complete dickhead like Bryan Fischer a lick of traffic, but the comments were, as you might’ve guessed, kinda priceless:

10/6/2010 2:05:46 PM
You’re as dumb as a box of hair, we get that. But do you really think Jesus would have stood by rather than lend his help, especially considering there were innocent pets inside? Everything you write flies in the face of what Christ taught, so it would seem you are not in any way qualified to determine what is Christian and what is not.

10/6/2010 1:52:42 PM
The truly Christian act would’ve been to take two pieces of wood, one approximately 8 feet long with the other being slightly shorter, and attach the smaller piece perpendicular to the longer piece about 1/4 of the way from the top. Then plant it in the their lawn and use the conveniently located flames of their home to ignite the newly constructed “T” shaped device.

10/6/2010 1:45:42 PM
Whom Would Jesus Burn Out?

10/6/2010 1:41:09 PM
Yes, he failed to pay. Yes, that was foolish of him. That said, fire protection is such an important part of local government’s role that it’s unethical to offer the service on a pay-to-play basis. It runs against the very purpose of society - Christian or otherwise - for a municipal crew of trained professionals in possession of the resources to fight a fire to refuse to do so over a mere $75.

10/6/2010 1:40:10 PM
No. You are wrong. Period.

10/6/2010 1:35:21 PM
Who is my neighbor? I’m sure glad Jesus told a story about personal responsibility when asked that question.

10/6/2010 1:23:45 PM
Your argument assumes that, if one person chooses to behave irresponsibly and the mature, responsible, intelligent, compassionate people of the world help him, then, suddenly, those people will become stupid and think that it’s OK if we all make the same mistakes that the first guy did.

10/6/2010 1:05:18 PM
If secularist means caring for your neighbor as you would yourself, then sign me up.

10/6/2010 12:50:35 PM
Yeah, Jesus would have let the place burn. You’re a moron.

10/6/2010 12:48:49 PM
Mr. Fischer; I think you are Rightly Insane in trying to propose WWJD and quoting Mr. Cranick Have you interviewed both? BTW, this FD has made exceptions to this no-fee rule before.

10/6/2010 12:46:20 PM
Somehow, I get the feeling Jesus preached charity a lot more frequently than he preached “it’s your own fault, suck it up.” But no, I guess not. I must be thinking of Mohammad, or one of those other crazies. As a side note, I like the feminine/masculine comparisons going on in this piece. I bet you feel real manly right now, Broseph.

10/6/2010 12:36:51 PM
Bryan, I believe you are the one that has adopted a worldview that is in fact not Christian but rather is American. I wish you would simply admit you love America more than you love Jesus Christ and stop using the name of Jesus Christ to push your distorted view of Christianity. Read the Sermon on the Mount, read the parable of the Good Samaritan, read James 1:27. Your interpretation of the parable of the ten virgins is wrong at best and blasphemous at worst.

How much longer can people like Bryan Fischer, Sharron Angle, Jim Demint, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann, Rand Paul, Joe Miller, and people who “think” like them share the same country with the rest of us??? My lovely and perceptive better half, Tara, has been saying for years that a distinctly uncivil war was coming, and I always laughed that off, but I’m not so sure anymore. What’s going on in our society today is ROTTEN and if you take certain things to their logical conclusions, it’s not very pretty. Not at all.

Posted by Richard Metzger
04:43 pm



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